Saturday, September 4, 2010


I originally started Ladderball Weekly because I was unemployed and had nothing better to do with my time than to play ladderball and blog about it. Things have changed since last summer, however. Ol' Andy had to pick up a day job because playing ladderball doesn't pay that well during the winter months. Also I decided to go back to school for ladderball court management leaving me little time to blog. Mr. Eric Rooney was nice enough to come in and do a little guest blogging. I highly enjoyed reading his thought provoking post, "The Bad Boys of Ladderball." I think guest blogging is a great idea and have decided to make Ladderball Weekly a community effort. Anyone who wants to blog just let me know. This will keep Ladderball Weekly going when I'm too lazy to do so. It will also make Ladderball Weekly fair and balanced. People have told me in the past that Ladderball Weekly is pretty one-sided. My first reaction to hearing something like this was "Fuck you! You don't like it? Write your own fucking ladderball blog." But then I lightened up and though there might be some truth to what they said. I definitely don't want to be the Fox News of the ladderball blogging world. So there you have it. Ladderball Weekly. Now for the people by the people.

Team Leggies Win on Independence Day. Too Much for Words?

Team Leggies beat out the likes of the A-Team and Team Shake and Bake to win their first ladderball tournament on July 4th, 2010. This incredible feat left Ol' Andy speechless for 2 months! I feel really bad about this. I didn't mean to take anything away from the Leggies by not reporting their extraordinary accomplishment. Any other reputable ladderball blog would have most definitely covered Kyle and Alyssa's spectacular performance from start to finish. As you may or may not know I was not able to attend the Independence Day tournament due to contract obligations with one of my sponsors, Ocean Beverage. This was quite devastating for me. I now know that I missed history being made that day. Team Leggies are the first co-ed team ever to win a ladderball tournament at the Shipmaster Resort. By doing so, they answered my question of the week from last summer: "Should Women Be Allowed to Play Ladderball?" Nice going Alyssa! Anyway, just wanted to right the wrongs and congratulate Team Leggies on a job well done. I wish them the best of luck on Labor Day but I doubt they will be able to repeat.